Friday, April 22


Originally uploaded by B!.

A friend sent me a thought that loosely summarized said, that in order to get out of our own heads and quit focusing on our problems and the negatives in our lives, we need to surround ourselves with other people. Remind ourselves of the fact that life goes on, that there's light on the other side etc. And while I agree with that, I was thinking that there's the flip side to that thought. That if you stay so busy so as to avoid yourself, it's just as bad as focusing on the negative. I don't fear spending time with myself nor do I relish it. I suppose there is a balance to be found. Anyway, Rilke came to mind as he was a great admirer of one's need for solitude. And since he's one of my favorite's a quote for your weekend.
"I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything penetrates more deeply into me and does not stop at the place where until now it always used to finish. I have an inner self of which I was ignorant. Everything goes thither
now, what happens there I do not know."


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